Acuris Data Processing Agreement

PII Data means any Refinitiv filtering content that identifies or can be used to identify an individual, whether by reference to other data or otherwise; • and • The data importer is MemberCheck Pty Ltd ACN 129 012 344. The clauses shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is established. The details of the transfer, and in particular the special categories of personal data (if any), are set out in Annex 1, which forms an integral part of the clauses. Information means information (including, but not limited to, data, text, images, and sound recordings) contained in the NameScan Service (and Refinitiv Filtering Content) in raw form and information that may be modified by Customer, except to the extent that the modified information is derivative data. Derived data is information modified by the customer (for example. B performing calculations or combining them with other data) to such an extent that it cannot be recognized that they originate from the information, can be reverse engineered or otherwise traced to the information without an extraordinary amount of time and effort, except by the creator. Any other information that does not meet these criteria constitutes “information”. Refinitiv Filter Content means content contained in the NameScan Service that has been made available to MemberCheck by third parties from their respective databases; The terms and conditions of Acuris Risk Intelligence`s policies (including, but not limited to, the Acuris Data Processing Agreement) can be found under The personal data transferred is subject to the following basic processing activities (please specify): Processing operations are defined in the Addendum and/or in the Agreement. MemberCheck Pty Ltd ACN 129 012 344 (the “Data Importer”) The Data Exporter is the entity designated in the Addendum as the “Customer” Has agreed to the following contractual clauses (the Clauses) to ensure adequate safeguards with regard to the protection of privacy and the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons for the transfer of personal data referred to in Annex 1 by the Data Exporter to the Data Importer. Refinitiv Filtering Purposes means Customer`s use of Refinitiv Filtering Content as part of Customer`s own internal compliance processes (as opposed to use for external business purposes, which is not permitted without MemberCheck`s express written permission) to process PII Data in order to (i) prevent, detect or investigate illegal activity, or (ii) a function to protect the public from complying with dishonesty, misconduct or serious inappropriate conduct; provided that under no circumstances may the personal data contained in the TR filtering content be used for purposes subject to the US Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C§ 1681b). The NameScan service offers users the opportunity to carry out checks to assist them in their anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing obligations. The NameScan service provides access to various data sources to perform these checks, which may include: The technical and organizational security measures implemented by the data importer are described in the addendum.

The personal data transmitted relates to the following special categories of data: Not applicable The entity designated in the Addendum as a “Customer” (the “Data Exporter”) means Refinitiv or other third parties whose information is contained in or used in the Refinitiv Filtering Content; The NameScan service consists of reports and search materials, scanning algorithms, and matching algorithms provided through a web-based user interface. COMSURE COMPLIANCE LIMITED`S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE [Please note that these terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the letter of commitment]. Native alias means its name in a language other than Latin in relation to a profile topic included in Refinitiv filtering content; The parties undertake not to change or modify the clauses. This does not prevent the parties from adding clauses on matters related to the cases if necessary, provided that they do not contradict the clauses. The customer has the option to choose between emerald check, sapphire check or Ruby check services as described on the nameScan website. . Purpose of the processing of customers` personal data. A lower alias refers to an adopted or alternative name that is designated as of poor quality on a profile included in Refinitiv Screening content. This Annex 1 contains certain details on the processing of customers` personal data in accordance with Article 28(3) of the GDPR. Data subjects may include employees, contractors, end users, customers and potential customers of the customer. Access to these sources is governed by the Subscription Agreement and various Addenda attached to the Subscription Agreement. Customer means the company that has entered into an agreement with MemberCheck.

. This Data Processing Addendum (“Addendum”) applies if Customer has notified MemberCheck in accordance with clause 7(b) of the Agreement, customer`s Personal Data is processed by MemberCheck on customer`s behalf, and whether the GDPR applies to Customer and that Customer`s Personal Data. The following terms and conditions apply to the customer`s use of the NameScan service, which may include the Ruby Check service as of July 1, 2019. In the event of any conflict between this Addendum and clauses 1 to 22 of the Agreement, this Addendum shall prevail. The terms used in this Addendum are defined in the Agreement, unless defined in clause 8 of this Addendum. Unless otherwise stated, references to the clauses refer to the clauses of this Addendum. Customer Personal Data is any personal data that Customer provides to MemberCheck for the purpose of providing the NameScan Service. This annex is part of the clauses and must be completed by the parties. The customer`s personal data uploaded to the NameScan service that includes name, date of birth, address or country of residence, gender and other information deemed appropriate to facilitate the identification of the data subject. Affiliate means, in the case of MemberCheck or a third party, any company controlled from time to time, directly or indirectly, by MemberCheck or the third party provider; in the case of the Customer, any entity that from time to time controls, controls or is under the joint control of the Customer.

“Control” means the authority to determine or determine the management or policy of such an entity, whether by possession of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. Click here to view Comsures` terms and conditions The categories of data subjects to whom Customer`s personal data relates to the PEP subclass refer to the assignment to a person or entity profiled in the Refinitiv Filtering Content as a political person or with the subcategory “Politically Exposed Person” (PEP) of another subcategory in order to determine the nature of the function they hold or the nature of their relationship with identifying an incumbent; Addendum means this Addendum, as amended from time to time. .