Art Exhibition Contract Sample

Sales of works of art included in the exhibition and sold within three months of the closing date of the exhibition (or the final location of a travelling exhibition) are deemed to be the subject of this contract if the collector has become aware of the work through the exhibition or promotional activities of the exhibition sponsor. In this case, the exhibition sponsor will receive a commission equal to the commission that the exhibition sponsor would have received during the exhibition. The agreement or contract is the legal document between an artist or owner of a work of art and a lending institution or between an exhibition organizer and the venue. Artists must pack their work professionally. Packaging materials must be reusable and robust. (Newspapers, adhesive tapes or plastic tapes should not be used in the packaging material. Packing your work with tape means that exhibition staff will have to cut or separate the tape and padding to risk damaging your work.) The Artist`s Office is an artist-led organization based in Los Angeles that also occasionally offers workshops on a variety of administrative and business topics, including contracts for artists. A. Delivery of ArtworkIf the artist or exhibition sponsor has a preferred shipper, that shipper must be added to the contract under Section A.

Delivery of Artworks. III. STATUS REPORTS Completing a status report takes a little longer, but it is a necessary investment. This is a step to ensure that your work is handled professionally by everyone involved. It is also an effective documentation of the status of your work before it leaves a place in your studio, when it arrives at the exhibition site and before it is packed to be shipped to any exhibition venue and eventually returned to the artist`s studio or collector who purchased it. The artworks are displayed under a plastic display case or glass box. The artist is required to provide exhibition material if the work has special exhibition requirements for the exhibition. III. STATUS REPORT A copy of the conditions attached and fulfilled by the artist will accompany the work when it is sent by the artist to the exhibition. The exhibition sponsor undertakes to make an entry in the condition report of each work upon arrival and at the end of the exhibition before the work is returned or shipped to the next destination. If it is a travelling exhibition, each exhibition sponsor reviews the status report and notes changes if necessary. Exhibitions organized as the main objective, regardless of the commercialization of the work, can offer the artist the opportunity to show experimental works or works that are not viable in more conventional places.

These exhibitions often include works that are aesthetically stimulating, provocative in content or concept, or made by artists who are not often seen in commercial galleries. These exhibitions can be important opportunities to broaden the audience for works of art and educate viewers. Most public galleries and many private galleries hold exhibitions solely for the purpose of making the work of an artist or group of artists accessible to the public – the sale is only incidental; D. The goods produced as part of the exhibition are made available to the exhibitor with a special discount ___ % special. In general, artist contracts can take different forms depending on the situation. But there are also a few important sections and details that are common in different types of contracts: including the full and complete details of a work of art or proposal; copyright and documentation permits for works of art; the timing of the agreement, milestones and deadlines; the applicable law under which the Contract is performed; and dispute resolution and termination procedures. There are different types of contracts that come into play for artists who work professionally – whether in the context of representing galleries, receiving commissions or financing, selling a work of art or a temporary work for a temporary exhibition. A consignment contract is a contract between an artist and a gallery in which the artist – sometimes similar to a loan – makes works of art available to the gallery, often for a certain period of time. Under a consignment contract, the work is usually provided free of charge by the artist. And if the gallery sells the work during consignment, it receives a commission for the sale (usually about 50%).

If the work is not sold within a certain period, it is likely to be returned to the artist. Such agreements between the artist and the gallery may be concluded on a one-off, temporary or longer-term basis. Dates of the loan period: Usually starts a little before the opening of the exhibition and extends a little beyond the submission date to take into account transportation and installation. It is in the interest of both parties to discuss all the issues presented here. The sponsor and artist can use a contract as a checklist or discussion guide. Even if the trade show sponsor has its own contract, the Professional Guidelines exhibition contract can be used as a standard with which important topics can be compared and compared. If the contractual relationship between the sponsor and the artist includes specific agreements that require additions or deletions, both parties must initiate the modifications (or modifications) to the contract. In addition, changes that occur after the signing of the original contract must also be recorded in writing and signed by both parties. Artists can improve the effectiveness of marketing, promoting and advertising an exhibition – and the visibility of their work, even in a large show with many artists. First, the artist must send photographic images to the exhibition sponsor three or four months (or more) before the start of the exhibition.

Also add a one- or two-page resume. If you`ve had articles about yourself or your artwork in the past that relate to the theme of the exhibition, add them as well. This gives the exhibition sponsor a lot of information that they can use for press releases on magazines, newspapers, etc. Go the extra mile. Does this increase your chances of being one of the artists the author will focus their articles and reviews on? This Agreement is between_______________________ (the “Exhibition Sponsor”) and ____ In this case, ensure that the sponsor of the first exhibition is aware that the work is engaged in another exhibition at a later date. It is the artist`s responsibility to provide this information to the exhibition sponsor in writing as soon as possible (preferably before the sale of the work). If a collector wishes to purchase the artwork (from the first exhibition), he must be informed that there is a delay in taking possession of the actual artwork. The collector must make a non-refundable deposit of 30% (from the retail trade) and pay the balance when the work is released from the final exhibition. The artist must receive his percentage of the deposit and the final payment immediately after the payment of the collector.

X. COPYRIGHT Artists always retain copyright in all works of art, even after they are sold (unless there is another contract stating that the copyright has been purchased or shared). Artists should mark all works of art and visual materials with the symbol ©, the name of the artist and the year in which the work was completed, if possible. In addition, it may be appropriate to identify the object as unique, limited edition or unlimited edition. Of course, this process will probably take time and research to sort it out, and maybe a little negotiation. To help you, we`ve put together an overview of common types of contracts, what they can include, and tips on how to get advice on a budget. XI. SAFETY INTEREST This is a legal clause that protects the artist.

It stipulates that the artist is the owner of the delivered work until full payment has been made. Few states have laws that protect an artist`s work on the air from the exhibition sponsor`s creditors. .