Authorization in Xamarin Forms

We need to choose the native app type for our Xamarin Forms app. We can find the client settings we need to make a connection request in the settings of our application. To complete the configuration of our application, we define our callback URLs. In the app settings, there are 2 text boxes that accept allowed callback and logout URLs. Here we use our authentication service, which we have implemented on both platforms, to trigger the Auth0 login process. Once logged in, we store the user`s access token in secure storage to be used for our API calls. The RequestProvider class in the eShopOnContainers mobile application uses the HttpClient class to make requests to the RESTful APIs exposed by the eShopOnContainers reference application. For order API and shopping cart requests that require authorization, a valid access token must be attached to the request. To do this, add the access token to the headers of the HttpClient instance, as shown in the following code example: For authentication scenarios that use an on-premises user data store and retain identity information between requests through cookies (as is typically the case in ASP.NET MVC web applications), ASP.NET Core Identity is an appropriate solution.

However, cookies are not always a natural way to store and transmit data. For example, a primary web application ASP.NET that exposes RESTful endpoints that can be accessed through a mobile application typically needs to use bearer token authentication because cookies cannot be used in this scenario. However, bearer tokens can be easily retrieved and included in the mobile app`s web request authorization header. Creates the URI for the IdentityServer authorization endpoint with the required parameters. The authorization endpoint is located in /connect/authorize on port 5105 of the base endpoint exposed as a user parameter. For more information about user settings, see Managing Configuration. The IdentityServer authorization middleware must be added to the web application`s HTTP request pipeline before MVC is added to the application. UseMvc() or app.

UseMvcWithDefaultRoute(). A connection request is sent to the endpoint :5105/connect/authorize. After successful authentication, IdentityServer returns an authentication response that contains an authorization code and an identity token. The authorization code is then sent to the :5105/connect/token endpoint, which responds with access, identity, and refresh To enable the connection with Auth0, we need to integrate the Auth0 OIDC .NET client library so that the authentication and registration procedures are much easier to implement. The library supports the following platforms: We call this application Auth0.Xamarin.Droid. We set the organization identifier to com.auth0.xamarin.droid and the target platforms to Modern Development, as shown in the following figure: To perform authorization with IdentityServer, its authorization middleware must be added to the HTTP request pipeline of the WEB application. The middleware is added in the ConfigureAuth method in the Startup class of the web application called by the Configure method, and is shown in the following code example of the eShopOnContainers reference application: Auth0 uses different clients for Android and iOS platforms, so we need a common authentication result class to get the authentication result. contains the required tokens and user claims for the main Xamarin project. Let`s add our new .cs AuthenticationResult to the authentication folder. TL;DR: Xamarin allows developers to create native cross-platform mobile applications in C# on .NET.

In addition, authentication and authorization are an essential part of the application architecture because they allow users to selectively access certain features and resources. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Xamarin with the Auth0 OpenID Connect (OIDC) client for the. NET library to enable authentication in our iOS and Android mobile apps. When the user presses the LOG OUT button in ProfileView, LogoutCommand runs in the ProfileViewModel class, which in turn executes the LogoutAsync method. This method performs page navigation to the LoginView page and passes a LogoutParameter instance set to true as a parameter. For more information about transmitting settings while browsing the page, see Passing settings while browsing. This method parses the authentication response contained in the return URI and, assuming a valid authorization code exists, sends a request to the IdentityServer token endpoint and passes the authorization code, PKCE secret checker, and other required parameters. The token endpoint is located in /connect/token on port 5105 of the base endpoint exposed as a user parameter. For more information about user settings, see Managing Configuration. The code for the BuildAuthenticationUrl method creates the required URL for the authentication code issuance stream with PKCE.

The base URL when using Okta as the authorization server is ${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/authorize. The method then adds client_Id, response_type and range settings, sets the redirect_uri on the connection redirection URI from the application configuration, and sets other parameters required for the PKCE stream. . . .