How to Form Flat Owners Association in Chennai

Rules for the regulation of shev can be established. However, it should be noted that the association cannot establish rules that violate the constitution. For example, an RWA may book an apartment/place not only for members of a particular religion. Amendments to the articles must be discussed at the Annual General Meeting and approved […]

How to Enforce a Prenuptial Agreement

(b) The right to maintenance for a child is not affected by a prenuptial agreement. In addition, an agreement is unscrupulous if the agreement: (1) leaves the spouse without the means of adequate assistance; (2) make the spouse a public burden; or (3) provide a standard of living well below that which he enjoyed […]

How to Change Date Formatting on Excel

I could get what I want by dividing 365.25 by 12 and then dividing the difference in data by the result of the division. Is there another better way? Hello! What formula do you use? What date and time format does your Excel use? Pay attention to this comment. That could be helpful. In […]

How to Avoid Paying Income Tax in India

IT is constantly striving to make the tax filing process more efficient, transparent and easier for the taxpayer. Prior to this amendment, these individuals were classified as non-residents. Due to the above change, the person`s housing status can be classified as a RNOR, which results in the loss of DTAA benefits, an increase in […]

How Much Is 1 Contract Option

To enter into an option contract, the buyer must pay an option premiumMarket risk premiumThe market risk premium is the additional return an investor expects from holding a risky market portfolio instead of risk-free assets. The two most common types of options are call and put: However, if the market value of the share […]

How Long Is the Limitation Period under Scottish Law

For the purposes of the limitation period, Stacey J. found that this plaintiff`s action was brought outside the relevant limitation period. This meant that the six-year limitation period (in this case, the relevant limitation period) began to run on Friday, meaning that a claim based on misleading information in a company report and prospectus […]

How Does a Muscle Contraction Anatomy

In concentric contraction, muscle tension is sufficient to overcome the load, and the muscle shortens as it contracts. [8] This happens when the force generated by the muscle exceeds the load that counteracts its contraction. When signaled by a motor neuron, a skeletal muscle fiber contracts when the thin filaments are pulled, and then […]

How Did the Destroyers for Bases Agreement of 1940 Help Britain Quizlet

How did the 1940 base destroyer agreement help Britain? He helped Britain maintain its vital supply lines. Britain had a larger fleet of ships to carry weapons than Germany. The Destroyers-for-Bases Agreement was an agreement between the United States and Great Britain on September 2, 1940. This agreement transferred fifty dormant destroyers to the […]

Horizontal Agreements under Competition Act 2002

There are four main types of cartels: price fixing; limit production or supply; Market distribution and; Manipulation of collusive bids/auctions. The term `supply-rigging` has been defined in the Explanatory Note to Article 3(3)(d) of the Competition Act 2002, i.e. any agreement between market participants and undertakings involved in a similar production or trade in […]

Himalaya Clause Contract Law

It is hereby expressly agreed that no servant, agent, direct or indirect subcontractor or any other party employed by or on behalf of the Carrier or whose services or equipment have been used for the performance of this Agreement (the persons who are so employed or whose services or equipment have been used, hereinafter […]