Kosovo Agreement 2020

The United States also launched new initiatives to improve relations between Pristina and Belgrade, which culminated in September in a meeting in Washington, D.C, where agreements were signed in the economic and other fields, Tanin noted. “Of course, the most important preconditions for the success of the negotiations are political unity, strong commitment and […]

Janitorial Service Contract

The more detailed the scope of services, the easier it is to manage customer expectations. Ensuring that the contract is clear helps avoid future lawsuits. Be sure to provide the following information: When asking for information about possible cleaning candidates, it is important to ask for a cleaning service suggestion. This will detail the […]

Is the Political Declaration Legally Binding

The draft political declaration on the future relationship between the EU and the UK after Brexit has been published. Theresa May describes it as the right deal for the UK. Again, it`s worth noting that this is not a legally binding document, so there`s no guarantee of what the world will look like after […]

Is It Legal to Donate Sperm in India

The Indian Council of Medical Research states in its guidelines for the regulation of ART clinics in India that no ART procedure is performed without the consent of the spouse; the use of sperm or ova donated by a relative or friend known to the wife or husband is not permitted; The ART Clinic […]

Is an Agreement Enforceable by Law Is a Contract

An agreement can be reached by phone or email, but an iron contract must be identical in each office before being signed. The ClM software ensures that this is the case by tracking the changes, displaying the changes, and collecting signatures on the final documents when the contract is finalized. Negligence when reading the […]