Surrey Teachers Collective Agreement

One. On-call teachers and teachers whose role is that of a permanent on-call teacher need only perform the tasks appropriate to the mandate of the teacher they are replacing. A.35.1 Each member of the Surrey Teachersa Association employed by the Board shall receive a copy of this Agreement: B.30.1 If, during the term of this Agreement, the Board creates a new position or reclassifies a position, the classification of that position in terms of salary, allowances and bonuses shall be referred to the Joint Salary Review Committee. b. To be considered, teachers must submit in writing their intention to take advantage of the non-teaching experience within six (6) weeks of the effective date of their appointment. D.3.8 If an alternative school calendar has been established prior to the ratification of the collective agreement, existing agreements taking into account the alternative school calendar will be maintained unless the parties agree to amend them. A.2.3 The BCTF recognizes BCPSEA as an accredited negotiator for every school board in British Columbia. BCPSEA has the exclusive power to conduct collective bargaining for school authorities and to bind school authorities by collective agreement in accordance with section 2 of Schedule 2 of the PELRA. A.23.3 If the principal/vice-principal and the adult education teacher agree, the services of volunteers in some classes may be used; and if the principal/vice-principal and the adult education teacher continue to agree, some volunteers will be assigned to these classes. In both cases, neither the principal/vice-principal nor the adult education teacher will unreasonably refuse their consent. “The results of their court-agotic protest were dramatic. The British Columbia Teachers` Federation and the government reached an agreement that created 4,000 new teaching positions and reduced class sizes in B.C in three years. This was an important step towards full equality of collective bargaining rights for all B.C teachers.” After the award of fixed-term contracts in accordance with Articles C.22.7, C.22.8.a and C.22.8.b, all remaining vacancies are listed at least one (1) month before the beginning of the term and distributed to all adult education teachers in their homes.

The Contracting Parties may, by mutual agreement, extend the time limits laid down in this Article. b. All available information on the nature of the tasks is provided to the on-call teachers when they are called by the operations centre. If a teacher on call has a reasonable reason to do so, an appeal may be refused. A.35.4 This Agreement is published in the form of a brochure, with costs borne equally by the Board of Directors and the Surrey Teachers` Association. Fixed-term teachers in adult education are recruited on the basis of fixed-term contracts. The status of adult education teacher is considered a probationary period until the successful conclusion of a full-time contract. C.28.2 Section C.29.2.b, *c. Part-time teachers working forty percent (40%) or more of full-time staff receive preparation time in proportion to their RTD status and task. C.28.1 The provisions of sections C.25 and C.29 are extended to the evaluation of teachers on request and prevail, with the exception of the following version: c.i. This collective agreement builds on previous agreements between the parties regarding the designation of provincial and local matters (see Letter of Agreement #1).

I. In all cases, qualified adult education teachers with long-term contracts are offered dismissal before adult education teachers with fixed-term contracts. One. Employees employed as on-call teachers will receive the rate shown below for each full work day of the first three (3) days. Any provision in the previous collective agreement that provides for a higher daily rate remains a part of the collective agreement. One. Following the award of contracts in accordance with Article C.22.7, adult education teachers who have satisfactorily completed during the preceding semester a course which is not equal to the request shall have the possibility, in the order of their seniority, to accept courses in the order of their seniority for which the previous holder has refused to be reinstated or which are newly offered and for which the term teacher contact of Adult education is qualified. Up to the total number of contract hours, the semester contract teacher for adult education was hired during the previous semester, unless the semester course was converted into contract adult education teachers in order to fulfil their contractual obligations. *iii. If no agreement has been reached within fourteen (14) days, the Surrey Teachers` Association may challenge the Commission`s claim directly under section A.6.7 (Reference to Arbitration: Provincial Affairs) of the appeal process, and a board of arbitration may rescind the implementation if it is found to be inappropriate. The results of the Surrey teachers` strike in 1974 were profound, at a time when there was a pro-education NDP government in Victoria, and after years of BCTF campaigns to reduce class sizes.

*a. Full-time primary school teachers are entitled to at least one hundred d. All posts shall be filled in this manner as long as the workers dismissed in accordance with this Agreement remain on the list. D.3.2 If a school district intends to introduce an alternative school calendar, the local [Surrey Teachersâ Association] shall be notified in writing no later than forty (40) business days prior to its introduction. The employer and the local [Surrey Teachers` Association] must meet within five (5) business days of receiving such notice to negotiate amendments to the terms of the agreement directly or indirectly affected by the proposed amendment(s). The above-mentioned amendments shall, to the extent permitted by law, preserve the original intent of the Agreement. d. Within seven (7) days of receipt of the written disagreement, a meeting will be held between the parties to resolve the matter.

In the event that no agreement is reached within seven (7) days, the Surrey Teachers` Association may regret the decision on the grounds that it is inappropriate. However, this will not constitute an obstacle to the unscathed continuation of the reporting process. The Surrey Teachersâ Association recognizes the right and responsibility of the Board of Directors and Operations of the School District and agrees that the employment, assignment, management and determination of the employment status of the workforce is the sole responsibility of the Board, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or applicable law. The Board shall not dismiss an employee for unsatisfactory performance unless the employee has received three (3) reports prepared in accordance with Section C.25 of this Agreement showing that the teacher`s learning situation in the class(ies) (or the performance of an employee who has another class duty) is not satisfactory. f. For adult education teachers, one thousand (1000) hours of teaching experience means one (1) year of service. Fractions of years are accumulated, with every hundred (100) hours equivalent to one (1) monthly service. e. Adult education teachers covered by BCTF certification, D.5.4 If the employer and the local [Surrey Teachers` Association] cannot agree on the alternative or additional provisions of the collective agreement that are necessary to accommodate the intended intermediate curriculum (the planned middle school curricula), either party may refer the contentious issues to an expedited resolution in accordance with article D.5.5 Refer to arbitration. c.

From 1 July 1999, the annual salary shall be paid on the basis of the provisions relating to the category and experience of adult education teachers on the basis of the working time of the adult education teacher during the working year. .