What Can I Do with a Minor in Pre Law

This interdisciplinary minor of 21 hours before law provides access to a variety of skills that have been identified as essential to success in the study of law and to a variety of legal career settings. Skills such as written and oral communication, critical thinking, logic, analytical skills, problem solving, personal development and citizenship are useful for the study of law and have been recommended as areas of study by the Law Schools Admissions Council. The interdisciplinary pre-law minor allows you to structure a minor outside of your identified major that will further prepare you for the rigors of a legal education. The pre-legal interdisciplinary minor allows you to choose from courses in more than 15 SIUE departments that have been identified as developing these essential skills. Acquiring and integrating knowledge and skills from various departments on campus can enhance your overall experience at SIUE and connect you with other pre-law students. All students who declare the interdisciplinary pre-legal minor are encouraged to become active in the Pre-Legal Association, a student organization here at SIUE. Main tasks: Victims` lawyers act on behalf of a person affected by a crime. They support victims of domestic violence, human rights violations and abuse to help them emotionally, financially and legally. Victim advocates are familiar with the resources that help with housing, counselling, job search and filing legal claims. They have a solid understanding of the law and can identify offenders, including landlords who do not comply with land regulations and employers who violate equal employment opportunities. Our program is available to students of all majors interested in a career in law or in law-related fields. You will work with a dedicated Faculty of Law Coordinator who will help you tailor a program to your individual needs and interests.

For paralegals and legal assistants, the outlook is good, with more than double the expected growth of all jobs in the country. By 2026, the BLS expects a 15% increase in employment in this field across the country, recognizing that those with formal education – from programs such as the Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies program, Dr. Hance leads at the National University – the most competitive among his peers will be. This interdisciplinary minor brings together psychology courses that focus on the social, clinical, cognitive and societal aspects of psychology and its relationship to law. This knowledge is complemented by courses at the Gould School of Law that identify the relationship between mental health, social psychology and law. If earning a law degree is in your plans, you can save a year of tuition and accelerate your success, starting with Iona. Our combined admissions program with Seton Hall University School of Law allows you to earn a bachelor`s degree and a JD (Juris Doctor) degree in just six years! You will explore subjects in law, criminal justice, political science, philosophy, logic and other fields to provide you with a solid foundation that will serve you well in any career. Main Tasks: Public affairs officials work for a branch of government or the military as a link between the government agency and the public. They have in-depth knowledge of government and judicial procedures and what they can share with the public. The Public Affairs Officer must clearly articulate press releases and various presentations to the public. Although there are several minors that allow you to familiarize yourself with the subject of the law, adding a minor related to the law will not give you an advantage over another plaintiff who is suing a minor who is not involved in the law.

The basic rule for choosing a minor is the same as for choosing a major; Choose something you like and will do well. Some of the minors related to law are as follows: There are unlimited possibilities for those who have a bachelor`s degree in law, even outside the legal field. Dr. Hance acknowledges this and says, “Some of my students are interested in working in corporate environments, while others are interested in dispute resolution. Still others are entrepreneurs who want to understand the potential legal pitfalls and best practices in their own business. Whether you dream of becoming a lawyer or are simply interested in how the law works, a pre-law minor will give you the knowledge and skills you can use in a variety of areas. Main tasks: Real estate agents draft rental and purchase agreements for commercial and residential real estate. You must be able to interpret legal documents as well as housing and property laws. Real estate agents use verbal communication and persuasion to explain and sell properties to clients. They also negotiate prices and lease or purchase agreements to the extent permitted by law. The Minor in Gender and Social Justice provides students with the intellectual foundation and practical skills needed to address inequality and injustice in gender and sexuality in today`s increasingly globalized world.

This minor prepares students for employment in nonprofits, politics, government agencies, cultural reporting, and socially conscious niches in the entertainment industry. Main tasks: Legislative assistants work with senators and representatives at the federal and state levels to analyze legislative proposals. They carefully review the wording of the proposal, research its impact on their constituents, and advise policymakers. They use their legal knowledge to understand bills and draft new proposals for their political representative. The Legislative Assistant can also use persuasion to encourage other legislators to support their bills. Maybe you`re looking for the security and stability of a corporate job. As a management consultant, you get to know your only client – your company – as a member of its internal employees. They represent them in court if necessary, advise their executives on legal matters, draft important contracts with partners and suppliers and much more. With valuable internships at your disposal in law firms, district attorneys` offices, government or corporate offices, you will gain experience that will give you an edge in your career.

Students have completed an internship with: A minor in Pre-Law offers students from all disciplines the opportunity to enrich their intellectual activities through the study and application of law and its impact on society. Particular emphasis is placed on legal principles and terminology, critical thinking and the development of legal research and writing skills. This minor is an appropriate choice for students who are studying or planning to work in fields affected by legal regulations and who are interested in attending law school or pursuing graduate studies in areas affected by legal regulations. These courses are not mandatory for admission to law school and do not guarantee admission or success in law school or other graduate programs. The American Bar Association says there are no prescribed bachelor`s degree courses that prepare students for law school. “I`ve kept in touch with a number of former students who were accepted into law school and got the job of their dreams,” says Dr. Hance. “They are thrilled to follow this brand new world that has opened up to them.” Main tasks: Legal secretaries perform administrative tasks for lawyers, such as preparing subpoenas and applications, making appointments, and assisting paralegals in their research. They are also responsible for handling and filing sensitive legal documents and must ensure that the chain of command is maintained and that all documents are filed correctly to avoid loss, damage or manipulation from the outside. They often join junior law firms to familiarize themselves with court proceedings. In California, there are even more reasons to be optimistic.

The state leads the country in job opportunities for lawyers, according to the office`s professional employment statistics program. In addition, California is the second highest state in the country for attorneys with an average annual salary of more than $168,000. People who explore complex topics and develop compelling arguments could benefit from a legal career. There are a variety of jobs in the legal field; Some require a law degree, while many do not. A pre-legal designation on your bachelor`s degree is sufficient for many legal careers, and many people gain work experience after earning a bachelor`s degree before continuing to law school. In this article, we explain what pre-law means and provide a list of common pre-law jobs. The faculty of the program really goes beyond and beyond. They are not afraid to share their professional experiences, such as what it is like to practice as a litigator for three decades, or their experiences as judges for a regional court of appeal. “Some faculties have even invited students to advertise with them,” adds Dr. Hance. “I wish I had learned before going to law school how much of a leg it would have given me,” notes Dr. Hance.

“I would have known what the elements of a contract are, what negligence is or where our laws come from. I would have been in a better position to succeed and feel comfortable faster. » Key Tasks: Paralegals support lawyers in all aspects of their work and participate in processes with the Senior Counsel. They are responsible for researching relevant laws, drafting legal documents and compiling evidence that can be used during the trial. Paralegals can also present exhibits in court and appeal to the opposing legal team. You can specialize in specific areas of law such as criminal law, immigration law, family law, or financial law. .